It's been too long since I've stopped to give actual thought to the things that I'm thankful for. It's not the big obvious things that I like to pause and think about. It's the little things that I all too often take for granted.
I am thankful for our vehicles. It's comforting to know that when I get up in the morning that I don't have to worry about whether or not I can get to work. It hasn't always been that way, and I'm grateful that it is now.
I am thankful for the snow on the ground yesterday. It was only a small little bit but the kids were thrilled. They happily ran around and played with each other in the morning before school with no arguments. That's all too rare at our house. :0)
Last night I suggested to Addison (who loves to help in the kitchen) that we make dog treats and take to the animal shelter for Christmas. She happily and excitedly agreed and then Wyatt chimed in that he wanted to help too. I'm thankful for their giving hearts. It gives me the warm fuzzies that they are caring little people and I pray that they don't lose that as they get older.
I'm thankful that we have stained concrete floors. Every time it rains and the dogs and kids track mud all over the floor I'm grateful that I can just mop it up rather than having to clean the carpet.
I'm thankful for my parents. My Mom came and stayed with the kids while Dax & I were at the conference in Las Vegas and also while we went to pick up the car. They are so helpful and allow us to do so much and never complain. I could never fully express the depths of my gratitude but I hope they know how much I truly love and appreciate them.
I'm thankful that the Halloween candy is gone. I've been so bad at resisting its temptation that I'm glad it's not around anymore. But, alas, Christmas candy and a whole host of cookies are on their way.
I'm thankful that my mother-in-law and sister-in-law decorated our Christmas tree while they were at our house for Thanksgiving. It's usually a whine-fest with the kids over who gets to put which ornament on the tree which turns it into a miserable afair. This year, however, they were perfect while helping Bushia and Aunt 'Manda decorate the tree. Nary a whine or wimper, of course making a liar out of me. :0) But that's fine, the tree is done with no fights. :0)