Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday Flash Back

These pictures are from a couple of years ago. I bought a gingerbread house kit and let the kids decorate it.

I've learned over the years that they don't seem to have a sense of when to be finished. They just keep going until all the decorations are gone. lol

They ate so much of the frosting and candy as they were doing this that it's a wonder they weren't all sick!

Look at the mess of sprinkles that are all over the table. The floor was covered too. Hmmmm......wonder why we didn't do that again last year and why I haven't bought the stuff to do it this year? Look closely at that and you can just imagine what their little painting project looked like the other day. Gaah!! (I was a little more that upset when I found what all the paint had made it's way to.....but that's another story. ;0) )

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