Tuesday, January 6, 2009

To tell or not to tell....

That is the question.

It's been so long since I've posted one of these. Unfortunately, I tend to forget so many of those things I'm not supposed to do. (hmmm, could this be yet another form of denial?) Let's see......what have I not done?

- I did not decide that before getting serious about dieting that it was better to eat every sweet thing in the house rather than throw it away. Of course I would just go ahead and start eating right even if it was before the New Year actually arrived.

- I did not forget a load of sheets in the washer for 3 days. And I was not surprised when I went to wash clothes and found them there, stinky and wet. Who would forget they washed a load of sheets, right?

- I did not send the rest of the family for flu shots while not getting one myself. That wouldn't be right now would it?

- I did not go buy a bunch of Christmas stuff just to be put away for next year. What would be the point in that?

- I did not laugh and send Dax in with the video camera while the kids were giving our 'slightly wound up' dog her first bath at home. But if I had done that, it would only be because it was soooo funny.

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