So why is it that when I try to do what I think is the 'right' thing I seem to dig myself a hole? Does anyone else do that?
Here are some of the things I do that are my idea but just lead to more work for me:
I fix (fix in the Southern sense - nothings broken) everyone's plate and then serve them. I started this when they were little and I didn't want to set the table, etc. Well now, everyone waits for me to serve them and I haven't had a hot meal that wasn't in a restaurant in ages.
I fix (there's that word again) the kids' lunches with homemade bread. We go through so much and I can make bread for two months for the same cost of buying three loaves at the store. But, now I have to make sure there's enough bread for lunches and if not I have to make it. What am I thinking?
I also started making cookies for them for their lunch instead of buying the Little Debbie snacks because a box only lasts one day. I make the dough ahead of time and keep it in a tub in the fridge and only make 1 dozen cookies at a time. (I do this so that Dax & I won't be tempted to eat cookies all day.) But still, I have to get up every morning and bake a dozen cookies.
This year I also started actually MAKING their breakfast in the morning. (Like this morning they had sausage and eggs.) Last year they had a bowl of cereal most mornings and I felt guilty about that. This year they've only had cereal three times since school started in August. But that's just one more thing that I have to get done in the mornings. I'm exhausted by the time I drop them at school and head into the office.
So, you can see some of the holes that I've dug for myself and I don't know how to get out of them. The kids love that I actually make their bread and that I make cookies for their lunch in the morning. They tell me about other kids that are jealous of their cookies because their moms just
buy cookies for them. I can't stop doing it now because they've decided that I love them more because I do this for them. GAAHH!!
Any ideas?