Tuesday, June 22, 2010

To my parents....

Dear Mom & Dad,

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for keeping the kids last week. They had a good time.

Apparently, while in your care, they've discovered a new passion. I learned the full extent of their new love when they went barrelling into the living room so that they could watch the big t.v. because 'it's not as good on a little t.v.' They had been watching the clock all evening, just waiting until it was time.

Wanna' know what they're so excited about?

Well, what else could it be but 'wraslin'?

I hear that they watched WWE Monday Night Raw at your house and they couldn't wait to see it last night.

Can you just imagine how my heart swelled with pride as sweet little Addison talked like the 'big mean dude' and tried to reinact some of the best moves? Of course, this was all during commercial break because they couldn't miss any of the action.

Thank you again, Mom & Dad, for helping us to expose our children to the finer things in life. Your efforts are truly appreciated.

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