Thursday, November 26, 2009

Giving Thanks

We had a great Thanksgiving Day.

It was at our house again this year, and as usual there was an insane amount of food to eat.

There was a lot of family with us and this year we invited some friends over too.

We all had a good time with lots of chatting and laughing. One of the high lights of the day was when I asked Dax to see if he could get the chocolate fountain going. I had already poured chocolate in there but it wouldn't move it to the top. So he pulled the cover off to see if he could get the mechanism spinning. Well, he did get it spinning if only long enough to splatter everything in the vicinity with chocolate. It was like something out of the movies with the chocolate getting slung everywhere.

Aaahhh, good times. Good times.

Unfortunatel I didn't think to take pictures!!

Hope yours was a joy too.

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