Saturday, March 12, 2011

They made it!!

We have been busy around here for the past week getting ready for cheerleader try-outs. Addison and Abigail had decided to try out.

They had practice every evening with the try outs yesterday after school.

It seemed like it took them forever to get the names of the new cheerleaders posted!!!

And I'm pretty sure I was more nervous than the girls were. I mean, think about, what if they didn't make it after they had worked so hard? (Seriously, I am so sick of watching cartwheels and I fell asleep every night with the cheer running through my head.) But even more nerve wracking, what if only one of them made the squad? Gaaahhhhh!

See what I mean?

Anyway, we finally go tired of waiting and left to go to dinner. I called Dax to let him know we were on our way because he was going to meet us there. He checked the school district's website while we were on the phone, so he got to be the one to let the girls know that they both made it! They're soooooooo excited!!!

While we were at try-outs yesterday Abigail and I had an interesting conversation.

Abigail: Mom, this girl that gets in trouble all the time said a word today and I think it's a bad word but I'm not sure.

Me: What did she say?

Abigail: -rick

Me: Brick? That's not a bad word.

Abigail: No. PRICK!

Me: What?!! Yes that's a bad word. Dear God, don't say that! I thought you said brick. You know, the things you build houses with.

Then they called the girls into the other room. Thank goodness so I didn't have to explain what it meant. Sheesh!!

And, Addison's team won their first soccer game of the season. They played really well as a team today.


Beth said...

Congratulations to your girls! And now Mom can breathe easy again. Competition amongst the siblings must be soooo difficult. Glad they both made it. You are going to have a busy, but hopefully fun, season ahead!

The McCleary Quads said...

Congratulations on both girls making the squad. I can see how that would be nerve wrecking, if only one would have made it. So thats great that both made it.

The McCleary Quads