I planned ahead! It's something that I never do but this time I did it. Addison had soccer games that were out of town on Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon. So instead of driving back and forth I kennelled the dogs and booked us a room for Saturday night at the Riverwalk in San Antonio. Great idea right? and Woohoo! to me for planning ahead, right? Well, as it turned out the game on Saturday got cancelled (see preceding post on the invasion). So there really was no reason to have the dogs kennelled or to spend the night in San Antonio. The big problem, though, is that the dogs had to be at the kennel on Friday afternoon (didn't cancel the game until Saturday morning) and when I booked the room I had to pay for it then. Oh well, that must be why I don't plan ahead.
So, we headed off to San Antonio anyway to make the most of the weekend. It was supposed to rain on Saturday too, but didn't so it made for a good time.
Here's Abigail with some of the local talent:

Addison by a waterfall that goes along the edge of some stairs (we were lost so I don't know where these are. lol

This is what they enjoyed most (as usual):

Here's Dax having a good time:

You can see it on his face, can't you?
We stopped for breakfast on Sunday at IHOP.

(If it's good enough for Niki Hilton, it's good enough for me.) Is there an IHOP in this country anywhere that isn't like a zoo at all hours of the day or night? Seriously! This place was packed (with a waiting list) and was loud as all get out. But, surprisingly, the staff was all very cheerful and pleasant. I probably would have been ready to boot people out with the chaos in there.

Kinda' makes you wish you were there doesn't it?