Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Fourteen Already!

I can't believe how quickly time passes.

It seems like just yesterday that I was even finding out that I was pregnant. Now these children of ours are fourteen years old. ALREADY!! Who told them it was okay to grow up?!

This is how I still tend to think of them:

But look at them now:
(they're not in the same order as the photo above)

I mean, they're wanting to start learning to drive!!!

But, even so, I can't imagine how boring our life would be without them. They bring us lots of joy and laughter (and exhaustion) and I hope they have a wonderful birthday. We couldn't have asked for four better children.

Happy Birthday!! to Addison, Kirsten, Abigail, and Wyatt

1 comment:

Beth said...

Wow! Fourteen.

Your kids are so beautiful!

Happy Birthday to Addison, Kirsten Abigail and Wyatt!!