Monday, February 12, 2018

Our Time in Vegas

Gotcha! Bet you didn't see this coming again so soon!

As I said in the last post, Dax and I headed off to Las Vegas for our annual continuing education. We are generally there for 11 days.

Yes, you read that correctly. 11 days in Vegas. That's a long time to be there y'all!

Anyway, we rented a car for the first couple of days because we have extra time on our hands. The year we decided to go check out Mt. Charleston. It was great up in the mountains.

This trip was far different from any of the other trips we've made. During one class a man was trimming his toenails, and in another people were taking selfies (with a selfie stick) while the speaker was giving his presentation. What?! Have we abandoned all forms of etiquette and good manners?

Dax found himself catching an elderly woman as she was passing out because she couldn't catch her breath. She clung to him until help arrived. It's so fortunate that we were there to be of help when she needed it. He also helped another woman get help after she had fallen and hurt herself. It was just crazy! I told him that the ladies were really falling for him this trip! Ha!

We met several people while there and made some new friends.

And we even managed to squeeze some learning in there!

Overall, it was a good trip. However, it takes longer for us to recover once we get back home.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

A long overdue update

It has gotten to be the new routine around here that I post, apologize for having been so long in between posts, think I'm going to be better, and then don't post in forever.

So here goes................

Sorry it's been so long.

I'll try to do better.

Wyatt has finished his first semester in college. He did quite well, As and Bs. And because of that he received a substantial amount of funds from the Texas State Guard. That makes all of us quite happy. being a part of the State Guard has been a really great thing all the way around. It's been a terrific confidence builder as he learns leadership, a time for Dax and Wyatt to do things together, and has now helped fund his education.

At the end of his first semester, he decided that sports medicine was not going to be the right choice for him. He's now switched his major to History with thoughts of law school later. Truthfully, I think after growing up with three sisters and finding himself outnumbered in most disagreements, he's looking to use all those pent up arguments. What better way to do that than as an attorney? At least that's my theory.

Abigail got her braces removed at the end of November. She's the last one so we are DONE! Now that's cause for celebrating!

At the beginning of December she headed off to spend the holidays in Canada. At the same time Dax and I headed off for our annual continuing education classes in Las Vegas.