Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Maybe back to school isn't so great......

As parents we usually love back to school time. I know I'm guilty of it. But we're only a couple weeks into the school year and I'm already shaking my head.

Last week during her athletic period, Addison twisted her knee running up the bleachers. She iced it down, wore a brace, and took it easy over the weekend. Well, yesterday the Athletic Trainer took a look at it and it appears that she has torn her meniscus (the cartilage in her knee). We'll see the doctor on Saturday morning to find out for sure and to find out what we do from there. In the meantime, the coach is giving her some exercises to do so that she can strengthen it without doing more harm.

What's the deal with my kids and their knees?

Over the weekend, I took Kirsten and a classmate to do some geocache searches as part of a project for World Geography. They're learning to use longitude and latitude coordinates. It now appears that we got into chiggers so we are both scratching fools. The other three will still have to do this work and Kirsten and her friend still have five more searches to do. Hopefully we won't keep finding the chiggers with each search day.

Over the summer Addison did quite a bit of volunteering at the nursing home in town. She absolutely loved it! Now that she's back in school, she misses it. She even got up early on Labor Day to go volunteer again so that she could see the residents. But, I guess that gives her something to look forward to on days when she doesn't have school.

Abigail has decided that she would like to be a veterinarian. We have a couple of clients that are vets and they have been kind enough to invite Abigail to go to their offices and shadow them for the day. She had the chance to do it one day during the week before school started. This vet was even nice enough to make sure he had some surgeries scheduled for that day so that she could be part of the 'fun stuff.' She had a great time so now we'll have to see if we can work around school days to keep her going back.

We are so very fortunate to have people in our lives that are so willing to expose our children to these great opportunities. We are also fortunate to have children that are willing to take part when the opportunity is presented.

But, as for school, things are going nicely. The kids have a lot of homework, but so far they are staying on top of it. And they seem to be enjoying their classes, which is a big plus!!

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