Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Miss me?

Sorry for the absence. I was sick and just didn't have the umph to post. Even thinking of what to write seemed like it took too much energy. Somewhere in there I actually slept for 12 hours!!! Thanks to Dax and the kids for even letting me do that. I love you all!

Dax and I celebrated 15 years of marriage on September 30th. That's a really bad time of the year (at the office) for us to be able to celebrate our anniversary so we put it off until the weekend of October 23rd.

My wonderful parents came and stayed with the kids while Dax and I slipped away to San Antonio for the weekend.

It was a wonderful weekend, too.

We even napped on Friday and Saturday afternoons!!

I know that all parents out there know what a luxury that really is.

Although, on Friday my mom called and woke me up to give me an update on what was going on at our house while we were gone.

Apparently, the dogs discovered a coral snake trying to get a drink from their water dish. When my parents tried to kill the snake, one of the dogs grabbed it and started running around the yard with it. So, not only did my parents have to kill a poisonous snake, they had to wrestle it away from the dog first. It was a really big coral snake too, 24 inches long! Yikes!!

It's a wonder my mom wasn't calling to tell me that they were done and it was time for us to get home!

After that, I guess things at home settled down into the usual, expected chaos because I didn't hear from them again.

In addition to naps, Dax and I also celebrated by having Haagen Daz ice cream for two different meals. Yum....

It was Founder's Day on Saturday, so we watched a bagpipe group. We also watched some Irish dancers and some Polish dancers.

 Dax with his true love, Purple Sage (my Indian name......that's for you Dad.)

And I found this unusual.

I've never seen the Book of Mormon in a hotel room before. The Bible was in the night stand drawer on the other side of the bed.

All in all we had a great time and enjoyed the time to ourselves. We adore our kids, but it's nice to get away and just be husband and wife every now and then.

Unfortunately, I was already sick by the time I woke up on Sunday morning. It's still hanging on, but I hope that last nights rain storms will get rid of whatever decided to get it all started in the first place. *fingers crossed*

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